Lost – The Last Recruit

Smoke Monster John and Jack catch up at the beginning of this episode. Jack gets some info on why the Smoke Monster acts the way he does. Or at least the Smoke Monster led Jack to believe certain things in an effort to control him. Smoke Monster John told Jack that he was the one that was Christian on the 3rd day they were on the island. Apparently, the Smoke Monster wanted to help Jack find water. I don’t believe that at all. Here is the Man in Black taking credit for things that Jacob had done. Smoke Monster John is trying to gain Jack’s trust, so he’ll say whatever he needs to say. We’ve seen this before.
Zoe makes an appearance and tells Smoke Monster John to give back Desmond – he’s obviously has a big part to play before this whole thing ends. Desmond is able to avoid being killed by Sayid by asking him, “What will you tell her when she asks what you did to be with her again.” That was pretty smart of Desmond. I thought that Sayid was totally on the dark side. He does whatever Smoke Monster John tells him to do, why would he listen to Desmond all of a sudden. Maybe there is still some shred of the old Sayid left.
Jack seems like a different person ever since he visited the lighthouse. He tells Sawyer that it’s a mistake to leave; the island isn’t done with them. It’s nice to see him this way, yeah if I was stuck on an island; I’d be all for doing whatever it takes to get off the island and get back home. But there are greater forces at play here. These people are all linked together. It’s most noticeable in the flash sideways. Even though they never visited the island, they have visions or flashes of their alternate life on the island.
At the end of the episode, Widmore displays the awesome power at his disposal by ordering a mortar strike on Smoke Monster John’s position. Smoke Monster John grabs Jack and gets him away from the attack. He tells Jack that it’s going to be ok, “you’re with me now.” Oh no – that can’t be good!
Just a few more things:
– When Jack jumped off of the boat, did he really have to jump directly in front of the boat’s path? Seriously? I thought for sure he was going to bump his head!
– One of the funnier moments was when Smoke Monster John pulled Sayid aside and asked him, “Do you still want what you asked me for? Then go do that thing that we talked about. It was so secretive, it was funny.
– I don’t think Sayid killed Desmond in the well. How is Desmond supposed to get out of the well? If anyone comes back for him, they’re definitely gonna need a rope.
– Finally, for all you COD fans out there, when I was watching the mortar scene unfold, all that was running through my head was, “Enemy AC130 is in the air!”

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