Articles from January 2011

American Idol: The New Judges Make Their Debut

I must admit that I’ve never really been a big American Idol fan.  Sure, I’ve seen a few episodes over the course of the last few years and I make fun of a lot of the contestants – especially around our friend Michelle, who is a HUGE American Idol fan.  Since Steven Tyler and Jennifer […]

Million Dollar Money Drop

I watched a portion of this show a few weeks ago and thought it was a cool concept for a game show.  I sat down and watched this past week’s episode and I’m really pumped up about this show. Kevin Pollack is the host and the main premise of the show is that 2 contestants […]

Hell’s Kitchen – The Finale

The finale of Hell’s Kitchen did not disappoint. Nona and Russell squared off to see who would get the opportunity to work with Gordon Ramsay at the LA Market. I was shocked to hear Russell exclaim, “Bring on the hookers!” Doesn’t he realize how important this is? Why would he say that so close to […]